Creating A Safe Place


Dependence on the Holy Spirit 

We seek to only say and do as we hear and see God directing.

Love welcomes all 

All are welcome: God’s healing is for all people, with no exceptions.

Nothing is impossible 

So we remain expectant for everyone’s needs being met every time we pray.


We minister holding people’s words in confidence, unless

a) we need to share with our own team/directors for our own well-being

b) it is a matter of legal disclosure.

Value everyone equally 

We are non-judgemental, non-prejudiced, to anyone about any thing: and we hold that no-one is more or less important than anyone else.

Missional team 

As our mission is to see people healed and enable others to do the same, we will look for every opportunity to do this, i.e. pray for people’s healing and enable others to learn how to do it.

Redemptive, forgiving 

In Jesus everyone is forgiven, everyone, whether Christian or not. I will live so that my life speaks of this redemption and forgiveness.

Imago Dei 

Everyone is made in the image of God, so I will always look for the God treasure in each person and treat them as special to God.


We come to minister healing in the name of Jesus, not to counsel or advise from a worldly perspective at the time of ministry.

Ministering in 2s/partnership 

It is our belief that ministering in 2s is safer for the recipient and for ourselves and so we will seek at all times, as far as it is achievable, to always minister alongside at least one other (trained) person and not on our own.

Gender ethics/safeguarding 

All people are created equal therefore I will treat any one the same as another and I will never discriminate against any person for any reason including their gender, belief system, age, politics, sexual orientation, past and current faults, desires & motivations.


It is vital that all who visit the Centre are held in a safe environment where they can encounter God and be free from coercion, threats, violence, intimidation, personal attack, etc. Equally, the team should feel safe from attack, etc. We will not tolerate violent or abusive behaviour – physical, verbal, sexual, emotional – from anyone present and will alert the authorities as necessary.

Celebrate ministering 

We seek to partner with God in bringing healing to His world and so when we see healing we give glory and thanks to God for it. If we don’t see healing, we don’t become discouraged but we acknowledge we don’t understand why and we celebrate that we were faithful to pray as we understood God to have directed.

Praying until you’re healed 

Not everyone is healed immediately so we will be very happy to pray with you as many times as you would like us to. We won’t see this as failure nor you as a burden but we rejoice to persevere in prayer with you until we see your healing.