Pumpkin Town “Revival”

Pumpkin Town “Revival”

At least two years ago Pam and Robbie Cole invited us to visit South Carolina to inaugurate the healing ministry which they felt that God wanted to plant there. They had been intrigued with our story of Beggars Roost and all that God had been doing there since we started in 1991. The vision the Lord gave us of going out and encouraging the body of Christ to be part of His healing ministry really spoke to them and they knew that this was work they were being called into.

They gave up precious time to come and listen to us talk in Laredo and Tyler on different occasions and felt led to start in South Carolina where the Reverend Dr. Pamela Cole is the minister of the First Presbyterian Church and her husband Robbie is the Chief Engineer in charge of a large public complex in Greenville. Isn’t it amazing how God seems to take the busiest people He can find and then involves them in more?

Healing Mountain.

Pam and Robbie bought about 40 acres of a mountain to build their home and start their ministry. Robbie designed and virtually built the whole house himself – I mean it – he did not just assist the builders, he was the builder. Just look at this house that Robbie built on what I call healing mountain.

It is so beautiful on a wonderful tree covered mountain. God was not just speaking to them. He was busy preparing a whole clutch of people to be part of a massive project.

Amy’s vision.

Amy is a nurse who loves horses and children. She had a vision to build an Equestrian Centre where disadvantaged children and disabled children would be able to make friends with horses and learn to ride and be free for a while. Although Amy had been subject to a series of very unhappy events we know it says in Romans 8:28 “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” And this He did. Amy found herself with the backing to start to bring her vision into real physical reality. She thought she had the place to build her dream but it just was not working out. In the meantime Pam and Robbie had pledged all they had to buy some further acres of the mountain to save the owner having to develop on it. When Amy’s expected site was not working out her attention was switched to the mountain. She was able to buy the acres that Pam and Robbie did not need and many, many more from the owner so that she had sufficient not only to build a huge stabling complex which I call Amy’s Barn but massive outdoor and also covered arenas. They looked much bigger than those used for the riding competitions in the Olympic Games. Just look at the barn and stables.

The second floor holds a large meeting room where we held the teaching and ministry sessions and the third floor will be a large attractive apartment for the manager. She will be able to develop trails for riding on the other land she has on the mountain and probably will have no problem with her neighbours, Pam and Robbie and also two other Christian friends who are now part of healing vision. Mike and Ellen bought the rest of the mountain and are planning to build a house within the trees. We all met on their land one day to have a picnic. I cannot tell you how beautiful it is upon the mountain with all those folk who have the feet of them who bring good news.

Most of the arrangements for our visit were made by Sue and Scott Edgar and they organised for us to stay at the ‘Prophets House’. This is owned by Duane and Shari Heinie who bought two old houses that were originally built for millworkers. They refurbished them, one to live in and one for the use of visiting ministers.

The Lord is really bringing a wonderful team together. He also provided a new husband for Amy, and Pam married them on the mountain in the week that we arrived. Gary (a paediatrician) and Amy are going to build a chapel on the spot they were married. Pam and Robbie are surrounded by more Christian friends who we met and worked with.

Pam had asked to come over to S. Carolina to help start the ministry in a barn. Then Sue wrote to warn us that the barn was not finished, was surrounded by red mud and was still occupied by horses. So Dorothy and I were not quite sure what we were walking into. You can imagine our gasps of amazement when Robbie drove us over their beloved mountain in a four wheel drive and we were met with the view of this magnificent building. We were thinking barns like Englishmen think of barns. Barns are barns, corrugated iron roofs on plank walls with lots and lots of gaps between the boards to let the cold wind blow through. This was a splendiferous equestrian enterprise complete with horses and hay rides.

Dorothy and I taught through the week on basic principles of Jesus ministry of healing. On the Tuesday, which was to become the infamous 11th September remembered forever as the day of the terrorist attack on the United States a whole group of us, including Dale and Mary Youngs with their children and Cindy with hers who had all come over from Laredo to be with us, had planned to go up to the town of Montreat in North Carolina. Montreat is famous for the fact that Billy Graham lives there and it houses a large Presbyterian College. The day was overshadowed by the events taking place in New York – Washington and Pennsylvania. In the evening Dorothy’s talk on Knowing who we are in God was most apt. We were able to pray and minister to many hurt souls and human spirits.

Because of the turmoil with the airlines it was decided that we should all drive back to Laredo on the Saturday. Pam negotiated the loan of the bus from the Presbyterian Old Peoples’ Home. This was a 15 seater bus used to transport residences to the town for shopping or local outings. Certainly not designed to take 7 adults and 7 children 1500 miles across 4 states in 24 hours. But with Robbie, Pam and Dale sharing the driving we travelled non-stop (except for food and bathroom stops) from Easley to Laredo, starting at 9am on the Saturday from Amy’s house arriving at Dale’s place about 10 am on the Sunday morning.

We eagerly await news of what is happening now. Has the wonderful fellowship of Christians carried on progressing the vision for Healing Mountain?

Manifestations of God’s love for His people:

bullet Tommy’s leg healed.
bullet Frances’ back healed so that she could bend.
bullet Sue – pelvic problems seemed healed.
bullet Ellen – back pain?
bullet Pam- blotches
bullet Debbie – hay fever
bullet James – his knee.
bullet A number released from depression
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