
The Anointing to Heal

The Anointing to Heal is intended to provide encouragement and be a source of useful information for individuals, churches and groups already working with Jesus in his ministry of healing, or thinking about getting involved.

Written by Revd Randolph Vickers, founder of the Northumbrian Centre of Prayer for Christian Healing, it is hoped that these accounts of healing will enable those who are sick, and their friends and family, to grow in trust that with our Father God all things are possible.

Nine Basic Modules of Christian Healing

The course for which this material has been developed over a number of years is designed to help those involved in the healing ministry. The vision which underlies it has to do with equipping the saints for ministry (not just teaching about ministry) so sessions include elements of appraisal and activation. This teaching manual is suitable both for use by leaders to train Christians in this ministry and as a reference handbook for those who have already been through some training.

This book can helpfully be used in conjunction with The Anointing to Heal.

The modules have been used extensively both at the Centre itself and in conducting courses and events elsewhere. For more information on requesting the team to lead the 9 Modules course, please contact the Centre Directors using the contact form.

Book prices are £7.99 each plus £4.99 P&P